If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you have to provide a phone number, but you don't want to give out your cell phone or your home phone, today's tip is for you.
PrivatePhone.com is a free service that provides you with your own personal phone number and voice mail. You can set up your own outgoing voice mail message so your callers hear your voice when they call in. And when you get a new voice mail, you can be notified by email, or even by an alert sent to your cell phone.
You listen to your voice mails, there are a couple of options. You can call in from any phone and enter your PIN, or you can use any computer to go to the website and listen to the messages from there.
For your phone number choices, there are lots of cities across the US from which to choose. If you are not in one of those cities, then your phone number won't be a local call. But with the increasing use of flat-rate long distance, and the fact that almost all cell phones include free calls anywhere in the US, that is not really a big factor.
This week's video shows a street performer with some pretty impressive skills in handling a soccer ball: